Okay well I'm just new to this site, so yeah. I used to have a livejournal but I never check it anymore so I am going to delete it. I hear this place is much better anyways. I will try to update this as much as possible but there might be some gaps in time where I just kinda forget. It happens. Maybe when we get a better computer I'll be able to have a webcam and do video posts. That would be pretty sweet.
So I just recently learned how to play Magic: The Gathering. It's pretty killer. I want to play it right now but Sam (my husband) is in bed, and all the online versions I've tried so far have sucked a lot of butt. So I've been playing online Yahtzee! instead. haha Yeah I know, I'm a dork. But at least I admit it. ;)
Oh yeah, due to my recent nuptials, I will have some wedding pics up here soon enough. :)