Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I finally have time to update this thing! LOL Well not a whole lot has really happened that you guys don't already know about. Well except for maybe Monica, idk. Anywhos.

I am still working at Wal-Mart. It's still pretty good. I got my evals yesterday and did really well. He said the only thing I have to work on is my "sense of urgency" as far as getting stuff done. It's kind of hard to do that when you're spending your entire shift on te phone because they keep pulling the phone operator away to be a flippin' CASHIER, or you get pulled away from your department for a few hours to go be a people greeter (which I was never hired to do in the first place), but whatever. Oh well. It's a job. But he also said that I do great work in making sure the department is neat and tidy at night and I am very personable and helpful to the customers... which is most important.

Sam and I are doing well. We are VERY ready for spring! LOL Sam started his new position at work, so he's doing that twice a week and the rest of his work week is spent in the freezer. They are cutting his hours back at work though, which isn't good. I keep telling him that he needs to apply to Wal-Mart again.

Anyways, that's about it for me.
