Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I made my first shirt today. It kinda turned out like crap. I am irritated. :( Hopefully I will get better with practice.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


It's 7:30 in the morning and I'm up. What the hell is going on here? WOW.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Yeah so Michael Jackson died yesterday. I can't really say that I was shocked or sad when I found that out. I mean the guy was just a weirdo, in a creepy way, not the good way. I think all that cosmetic surgery and skin bleach got to his brain and wacked some nuts loose. LOL Although I did like a couple of his songs like Billy Jean (mostly because that's my grandma's name lol), and Smooth Criminal. Anyways.

So I was thinking about buying a human hair wig and just going all out on my hair. Like shaving the sides completely down (still leaving the mohawk and the bangs and sideburns), and dying my hair funky colors. I was looking and I found one that costs about $40. I would only wear the wig at work.


I got my chelsea mohawk today. It's pretty sweet.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I miss my mohawk. :( sadface. I wish I could find a legitimate work at home business thingy so I can do what I want with my hair and dress how I want... if I even want to get dressed at all!

Monday, June 22, 2009


Our air conditioner is broken and it's 91 degrees in here, if not hotter. This f'ing sucks.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


just sold my Elvira shirt. :)

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Welp, when I was on break today I found out that Sam's mom had a stroke yesterday while we were on our way back home from the zoo. I had a feeling something was wrong, but I wasn't sure. I thought I saw her mouth hanging open when I looked at her in the sideview mirror, but the mirror was all distorted so I couldn't tell for sure. But Ed said something to her a few minutes later and she answered just fine. But they went to the hospital after they dropped us off and they ran some tests there. They said she was fine and they couldn't find a cause for her strokes. She had one on Thursday too, but it was a ministroke. I don't know. I'm kinda worried about her. I hope it doesn't happen again.

Friday, June 19, 2009

in the previous post, click the pictures for full pictures

I almost forgot to post the video I got of all the otters together (including mama) playing with a nut!

zoo pics

close up of the giraffe i fed :)

I think this one's called a bongo.


sleeping mountain lion

cute little baby otter!

sam looking at the otters as they play with a nut of some sort


Sam, with Cindy and Ed in the background.

A deer.


Yaaaaa..... a monkey... eating the poop off of another monkey I think.

As we were eating at the outdoor restaurant, we had a pretty little peacock visitor!

chipmunk on the walkway munching on some tasty noms.
Asian elephant

African elephant

Asian elephant

hehe I think he's having trouble standing. :)

Giraffes! I got to feed them a little later on. :) It was neat.

Some foxes in the bush

Sam's mom Cindy
Sam's dad Ed

A black bear cub sitting in a cool pool in the shade.

A cheetah sitting in the shade, just hangin' out!
just a random lizard that happened to sneak into the zoo!

I believe this is a kookaburra.

These are either ostriches or emus.
Either way, they are bitey.



No idea.

Not sure what kind of bird that is.

I believe this is a tamarin monkey of some sort.



Uhm... an emu I think.

I think it's a peacock? It's kind of hard to tell from this picture.

Sam eating an apple before the long trip to Dickerson Park Zoo in Springfield

Zoos are fun!

Today was the day that Sam and I went to the zoo in Springfield with his parents. It was a lot of fun and I got a lot of good pictures (and some not so good) of the animals! In a different post I will ... post them. For some reason this thing is being stupid.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Okay so...

I am listing another item for sale on ebay. It's an Elvira Mistress of the Dark shirt, size medium, and it's in very good condition. If anyone's interested the item number is 270408985033. Just paste that number into the search bar and it will lead you to my item's page.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

freaking SWEET!!

My auction for the book Gonzo is up to $2 now! lol
I'm kinda thinking about selling more stuff...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

So I got this really awesome leather jacket off of ebay the other day. It's a used punk rock jacket. It has seen a lot of concerts and smells awful but it's sooooo awesome! I love it... and I am starting to get used to the smell too. ;D

Also, Metalacolypse is a great cartoon.
So things are going pretty well over here with me and Sam. Both of us have been working a lot so I don't ever have time to update this thing anymore. Not that there's really anything to update you guys on anyways, but oh well. :) On Friday Sam and I are going to the zoo in Springfield with his folks, so that should be fun. I will take lots of pictures of the animals and post what I can on here.

I guess minimum wage is going up to 7.25 here in Missouri in July so I will be getting a raise soon since that's what I'm making right now. I am at level 2 pay, which has to be more than minimum wage, so they have to give me a raise. :D I am kind of excited about that. I am going to be a very happy girl that day! lol We will be able to afford more foodstuffs. :D

Oh, my sister-in-law Christina is pregnant now. They're still not sure what she's having but she's in her 2nd trimester I think. I hope it's a girl.... there are WAAAYYYY too many boys in Sam's family. :P

I think that about wraps it up though. Yarp.