Saturday, November 15, 2008

Not much.

There isn't really anything new today.

So, we're getting ready for inspections. (Sam and I live in subsidized housing.) We should be getting some cleaning supplies today to start busting our butts on cleaning the apartment. Well, it's actually not too bad since I clean it regularly. But you know what I mean. On the 18th and 19th they're having the Missouri state Housing Development Commission, but they're inspecting the units at random. So I hope they don't inspect our apartment, but you never know. Hopefully before Monday we'll be able to get that broom vacuum thing by Dirt Devil. I hear it's really good. Maybe I'll still be able to get some new pants. That would be nice. I only have two pairs, and one barely even fits me. Anywho, that's a whole other thing though. lol


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